Celebrity Golf Gloves: Matching Unique Styles
We’ve always said our gloves have a story behind them. That’s why you’re flashing the one you own. Each one has character, a personality, a type of golfer behind them. We wanted to have a bit of fun here, Celebrity Golf Gloves , so here we go!
Celebrity Golf Gloves – Steph Curry
Some people step up, rise to the occasion and relish the opportunity. The 3-point king is one of those. Someone who gets the job done when you need it most. Curry has had over 3,000 3-pointers in his career, more than any other player. He makes 43% of shots he takes from outside the line. A stone-cold shooter, a sub-scratch golfer and an incredible ball player.
The Good Life Golf Glove – Bill Murray
Synonymous with colour, floral patterns and distinctive golf gloves, Bill Murray is the epitome of fun on the golf course. Never taking life too seriously, all-smiles, jokes and an unmatched sense of humour, he’s seen by many as a must-have member of a dream four-ball. Murray even has a new YouTube golf series coming out soon from his time in Ireland. Someone who lives for golf, you can see his best moments from the Pebble Beach pro-am’s here. One of the most unique golfers of our time!

Bombs Away – Mark Wahlberg
First seen playing the game by many in an episode of Entourage, Wahlberg is known for relishing the same kind of training regimes that Bryson is infamous for. In 2018, Walhberg posted his training schedule which included a 2.30am wakeup a 3.40am workout, and golf at 7.30am! One of the most unique swings out there, Wahlberg has power in abundance. Not one of the most consistent golfers, but when it connects… Boom!
Celebrity Golf Gloves – Tom Brady
Serial winner, stone cold killer. Passing leader, touchdown leader, 7 from 10 in Super Bowls, a Super Bowl in 3 different decades. Records on records. He’s one of those you don’t want to face in the biggest moments, the biggest games. When the time comes, he’ll deliver the final blow. We saw him silence Charles Barkley in “The Match” when he holed out with a wedge from deep. Just don’t challenge TB12 when it comes to big time plays, we wouldn’t.

Drip Drop – Barack Obama
Don’t have enough time for golf? Try this former President and renowned lefty’s previous work schedule and re-think that. But that’s not why we have him down for this glove. The one with a touch of class, a bit of swag? Obama has shown this in abundance during his eight-year term. Cool, calm and composed, Obama always has time to have some fun on the biggest stage in the world.
Ghetto Golf Glove – Justin Timberlake
JT and music go hand in hand. And he’s not half bad at golf either, reportedly playing off 4.3 and recently lighting up the stage at a Topgolf range session. But we know why we’d have him in our grouping. Need someone to put together that perfect holiday playlist with the crew? He’ll be playing out songs to make your bad play seem like fun. Swing free and enjoy the music of golf.
Casino Royale – Michael Jordan
MJ and golf: A love story. Known for his wagers, you better have your pockets filled if you’re playing against Jordan. $300k on one hole? Johnson is notorious for his wagers, more where that came from here. Someone with an incredible will to win, you know you’re getting yourself into a serious money game against the champ. He likes a bet on any given hole, so be very careful when taking him on.

Iced Out - Jack Nicholson
A 10-15 handicapper and all-round legend in Hollywood, this is another one of those ‘’must-have’’ partners in your fourball. Nicholson is known for being a friendly golfer, someone who is extremely relaxed on the rules. Why take things too seriously when you can just tee it up again? Enjoy the round, enjoy the weather, and never fall out of love with the game when it’s just that… a game.
Conclusion: Celebrity Golf Gloves
Golf is an unusual sport where no matter what your style is, all that matters is getting the ball into the cup in as little strokes as possible. Everyone has their own swing, their own personality, and our unique range of golf gloves hopefully recognises and matches this array of charisma!